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Full Council
The Full Parish Council meets every two months. This allows for ideas to be proposed and resolved to action and then give time for councillors to forge forward and bring the ideas to life to make small but important improvements to our village.
Planning Committee
The Parish Council is a planning "consultee". This means the District Council asks our opinion of all planning applications. The Planning Committee has a meeting scheduled every month as the "turnaround" of planning applications is 21 days so responses need to be prompt, however some months there are no applications and so meetings may be cancelled if there are no applications to consider. It is important to remember that the Parish Council is not the decision maker for planning applications, that responsibility falls upon the District Council.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee sets and reviews the Parish Council budget as well as considering s.137 grant applications and tendering for contracts. The Finance Committee meets 3 or 4 times a year. Committee members are also usually bank signatories.
Human Resources Committee
The HR Committee deals with staffing matters. As a committee of the Parish Council its meetings are still advertised in the normal way however due to the sensitive nature of the matters being discussed parts of these meetings are closed under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 S1(2)
Annual Archives
When researching old topics it is easier to search older minutes when the are annualised into single files. This way you can search an entire year by keyword topic such as "Allotment" or "Churchyard" and hopefully find the item of historical interest that you are looking for. The Annual Archives go back 50 years to 1975.
The Annual Village Meeting
The Annual Village Meeting is not a Parish Council Meeting but it is organised by the Parish Council. It represents an opportunity for residents to come together and share successes of the year past and hopes for the year to come.