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Services in Fowlmere and beyond

Who we are and what we do

Information about who we are and what we do

Parish Council’s are the first tier of Local Government.

Fowlmere Parish Council is made up of  9 Councillors. Being a councillor is entirely voluntary and they do not receive any financial remuneration.

The Council employs a Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

Occasionally, casual vacancies arise on the council and these are advertised locally. The next election year is 2026.

What we do in Fowlmere

The Parish Council is responsible for many of the amenities of the village including The Butts, The Saville Way Green, and the outdoor play equipment. The Parish Council also manages the Village Cemetery located just to the north of the village.

We are happy to hear ideas on how to make improvements to the village such as the street-sign refurbishment project that is on going. If you have an idea please get in touch.

The Parish Council also makes submissions on planning applications to SCDC who are the planning authority. We also contribute to local strategic consultations at District and County level.

Full Council Meetings take place every other month, usually on the third Tuesday, and are normally held in the Pavilion Room of the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Most meetings are approx 1.5-2 hours duration. Occasionally, when there is an urgent matter, an additional special meetings may be called. Upcoming meetings can be found here

Notification of meetings, plus the agenda, can always be found on the Parish notice boards at least three business days prior to a meeting and on this web site. The meeting dates are also published in the Fowlmere and Thriplow News magazine.

Our meetings are “held in public” which means members of the public are welcome to attend. Each meeting Agenda includes an opportunity for members of the public to raise issues with the Council.

Contacting the Council

Please contact the Clerk by email if possible at

The correspondence address for the Parish Council is not a public office and all meetings with the Clerk are to be arranged by appointment.

The Parish Council may be contacted in writing at:

Parish Clerk, PO Box 273, Royston, SG8 1ES


Parish Councillors are elected or co-opted. If you would like to become a Councillor or find out more about what they do, please contact the Clerk.


Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets regularly, usually at least once a month, to consider the Parish Council’s response to current planning applications and to contribute to any open consultations on local planning policy. David Brock chairs the Planning Committee.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meets once a quarter and monitors the financial status of the Parish Council. Ros Lennon chairs the Finance Committee.

Cemetery Management

The Cemetery Management Committee is responsible for the maintenance and administration of the cemetery. Steve Mulholland chairs the Cemetery Management.

Parish Council Elections

The last Parish Council election was in 2022. The next election is scheduled for 2026.

Vacancies on the Council in between elections are normally advertised locally and filled by co-option.

Fowlmere Parish Council Standing Orders

Standing Orders are the the procedures for Council business including meeting protocol.

The current Standing Orders are based on the National Association of Local Council’s (NALC) model standing orders and are reviewed and adopted annually.

Fowlmere Parish Council Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is based on the Local Government Associations (LGA) model and is reviewed and adopted regularly. South Cambs District Council have also adopted this code of conduct.


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